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Call me Barkiple.

Why Barkiple? Well, back in the day, when you’d type my last name on a Samsung flip phone with that T9 predictive text, you’d get Barkiple — that’s not even a word! Ridiculous! Why fight it, right? As a bonus, Barkiple adds a Google-search specificity to John that can’t be beat!!!

Before I claimed the Barkiple mantle, I stitched up thousands of bags for WAVE Products and BlacktagBags (my secret brand). I drove for Wasatch Pizza.  I officiated a dozen weddings. And in one magical summer, I became a JEA-certified journalism educator and a UBI-certified bike mechanic. All the while racking up years as a high school teacher — English, humanities, creative writing, yearbook, journalism, and photography. 

In 2009, I started shooting for SLUG Magazine for REAL! I somehow skipped the probationary period, so I didn’t write any captions for those first photos. Oops? Now I’m the captions king! I like to think that the captions for my photos are entertaining and accurate — collecting that information is a great way to meet people, too. I’ve been assigned across the state from Logan to Draggerton, and I’ve met representatives from dozens of Salt Lake’s subcultures, bands, and businesses. It’s an honor, and I wear my SLUG Mag press pass with pride!

I’m an SLC-based photographer, and I have lots of old gigs permalinked on Pinterest — take a look if you’re curious. And if you’re a collaborator, fire off an email!!!